Principal Address
I would like to wish all our Mercy staff, students and parents a safe, relaxing and happy holiday. This holiday will be very exciting for many of our families and our College Community as we commence the CQUniversity Confraternity/QISSN Carnival this Sunday. It has been over 20 years since we have been able to host this event. Special thanks to all our volunteers, helpers and sponsors who have allowed us to make our dream come to fruition. I wish all our students involved in the Carnivals all the best for next week and extend an invitation to all families to come and support our teams. The draw for the Carnivals can be found on the following link
Community Activities
Once again, many wonderful things have happened this term. We have had great success on the sporting fields, in Chess and STEM competitions, our Combined Cultural Ensembles have performed on numerous occasions and our students continue to give to those in need through various acts of community service. It is very pleasing to see the effort and success of our students throughout the term.
NAIDOC Celebrations
Students and staff enjoyed a week of NAIDOC activities as we celebrated and recognised the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Thank you to our Indigenous Education staff for organising these events. Our students will be attending the regional NAIDOC Mass which is being held on Tuesday 19 July.
Subject Selection Evening
It was good to see so many families taking advantage of the Subject Selection Evening held at St Patrick’s College on Wednesday. A reminder to Year 10 students that Subject Selection forms are to be returned to St Patrick’s by Friday 15 July. Formal enrolment and subject advisory interviews with a member of the College Leadership Team, will be held from 8 August – 2 September.
Catholic Education Week
Next term we celebrate Catholic Education Week from Sunday 24 July - Saturday 30 July and this year will focus on the theme:

Communities of Faith, Hope and Love. Catholic Education Week is an opportunity for all Catholic schools to celebrate and promote their distinctive mission and ethos.
We will have more information next term on the activities the College will undertake during this special time.
Year 7 2023 Enrolment Offers
Our first round offers for Year 7 2023 will be emailed to parents/guardians on Wednesday 13 July, 2022. I encourage all families who have a student wishing to attend Mercy for Year 7 next year to ensure they have submitted their online enrolment application.