Principal News
Remembrance Day
Tomorrow, on Remembrance Day, we need to pause at 11am for a minute’s silence in memory of Australians who have died or suffered in wars and armed conflicts. We hold in prayer, those who have sacrificed so much for us, so that we may continue to enjoy the freedoms we have today. May we look to live our lives in a way that honours their sacrifice.

Deputy Principal St Patrick's College Mercy Campus 2024
Congratulations to Mr Scott McSherry on his appointment as Deputy Principal commencing 2024. I wish Scott all the best in his leadership of the College.
Important Information Regarding Parent Consent
An email has been sent to all families regarding parental consent on student’s records. To ensure your consents have been updated please access the online Parental Consent via Parent Lounge, if you have not done so already, by 1 December 2023. Even if you have previously advised, the system requires you to refresh. Consents will default to ‘No’ if not refreshed by this date. This will mean that a student's photo will be excluded from all media.
Please refer to the email dated 14 September 2023 for further details and contact the College Office if you have any enquiries.
All Saints and All Souls
The Feast of ‘All Saints’ is celebrated annually on 1 November. On the Feast of ‘All Saints’ we think of many ordinary good people who walked with God in their daily lives, and who have now passed. All Souls Day follows on 2 November. On this day we remember all the departed and in particular those who may still need our prayers. It is good for all of us to remember family members and friends who have passed away and to pray for them on these days.
The Year 10 Semi-formal will be held on Wednesday 22 November. Tickets should now be purchased. We look forward to seeing all students attend what will be a memorable event.
Sports Awards Presentation
Mercy Campus Sports Awards were held at a special assembly last Wednesday 1 November. Congratulations to the huge number of students who participated in the various carnivals and competitions throughout the year and those who received awards on the day.
Fees and Textbooks
Please ensure that all fees are finalised as soon as possible. Year 12 students should have returned all their textbooks prior to next Friday’s graduation.
End of Year Celebrations
The end of year is fast approaching. Next week our Year 12 students will celebrate their Final Assembly on Thursday and Graduation Mass on Friday. These activities will be filled with mixed emotions, not only for the students, but also for parents. I welcome all parents and families of our Year 12 students to attend or watch the Graduation Mass through our live stream. The live stream link can be found on the College App.
I wish all our graduating students the best as they continue their journey into the next stage of a wonderful life.
Year 12 Students Driving
I remind students of their obligation to remember to drive safely and obey all road rules when they leave the College on next Friday. Local police have indicated that there will be a strong law enforcement presence next Friday (Graduation Day) and over coming weeks. High spirits that can accompany significant moments such as leaving school for the last time, should not play out in bad behaviour whilst driving vehicles.
Parties and Young People
Hosting parties for people who are underage is a high-risk activity and I remind parents of the legal obligations and issues that can surround such events. It is important that any hosts of non-official social events understand they can be held liable in law for any injury/breaches in criminal law by anyone attending under their supervision. The College disclaims any responsibility for any non-official functions held.