Principal News
As we commence the third week of Term 2, much has been happening around our College.
Open Night
Last Tuesday we held our St Patrick’s College Open Night. It was a privilege to showcase our College to prospective students and their families. The night was alive with excitement and music. Our department and classroom displays were engaging for the many families who visited to see firsthand all that our College has to offer students in 2025 and beyond. The launching of our new uniform guideline was also a highlight for many. Thank you to all the staff and students who made our Open Night such a great success.
We encourage both existing and new families who have a child wishing to enrol for 2025 to complete an online application as soon as possible via the following link:
Our Enrolment Interviews will be held on Thursday 10 May from 3:30pm – 7:00pm with first round offers being made on Wednesday 10 July 2024. Please contact our College office for any further information.
Thank you to the many students and staff who attended the various ANZAC Day marches in the Mackay and District Community. I was very proud of our students who displayed so much pride in their uniform and respect for the many men and women who have served and continue to serve Australia and New Zealand. Congratulations to the AUSLAN Club who performed both the Australian and New Zealand National Anthems at the ANZAC Day Service in Mackay.

Student Led Conferences Years 7 – 10
It was wonderful to see our parents, guardians and students at the recent Mercy Campus Student Led Conferences. These evenings provide an opportunity for students, parents and teachers to work in partnerships together. They are an excellent way in which parents can be involved in the educational process of their child.

Parent Teacher Interviews Year 11 - 12
Next Thursday 10 May, Parent Teacher Interviews will be held at the Senior Campus. Bookings are now open via Parent Lounge until 10:30am on Wednesday 8 May. We look forward to this opportunity to meet our senior students and parents.
Welcome to New Staff
I would like to welcome the following staff to the St Patrick's College community; Teachers – Miles Jackson, Kylie Tudehope, Abbi Johnson, Matthew Sanders. Teacher Assistants – Max Cain and Kobey Seger. We also welcome back Rolf Muller and Steve Mattsson from Leave.
I wish to acknowledge Mrs Andrea Crocker who will be Acting Assistant Principal Mission whilst Mr Brendan Gunning is on Long Service Leave this term.
School Survey
St Patrick’s College will be undertaking Community Satisfaction Surveys as part of our five yearly accreditation cycle and our school improvement process. MYP Corporation Pty Ltd will be issuing these surveys commencing 29 April and closing 10 May 2024. Our College School Improvement plan is continually reviewed and updated throughout the year to meet the needs of parents, staff, and students. The data received from these surveys will allow the College Leadership Team to identify areas for improvement. I wish to thank you all in advance for the time taken to participate in completing the surveys.
The Leadership Team has been working with DCEO and we have now completed stage one of our Masterplan. Projects will include a refurbish and update of the Mercy Campus Hall together with an extra classroom block. D Block Mercy Campus will also be updated as a learning services hub for the future. All toilets (both campuses) have been redesigned and will be upgraded. Tenders will be called for these various projects in the next few weeks with work commencing in the September holidays.
Parent Engagement Evening
Just a reminder that the next Parent Engagement session will be held Tuesday 30 April at the Senior Campus in J1 – Auditorium. Topics to be presented by staff will be Google Classroom, Smart Lab (Maths) and Education Perfect (Various subjects). I wish to thank our presenters Mr Zac Sehl, Mr Josh Honan, Mr Scott McSherry and Mr Doug Bettington. I welcome all to attend this session.
Link for RSVP: