Principal News
Sunday 17 March is the feast of St Patrick, Patron of Ireland.
Patrick was born about the year 385AD, either near what is now the English/Scottish boarder (in what was then the Province of Britannia in the Roman Empire), or near the River Severn by the present English/Welsh border. Wherever he was born, he was captured by raiders, made a slave and taken to Ireland when he was 16 years old. There he was forced to work in the fields, looking after sheep and pigs.

During his captivity, he found solace in religion and eventually escaped. Returning to his homeland, he studied Christianity and became a Priest. Moved by a vision, he returned to Ireland as a Missionary. His efforts were instrumental in converting the Irish to Christianity using the shamrock to explain the concept of the Holy Trinity.
On Monday 18 March, we will celebrate St Patrick’s Day with a Mass on both Campuses, which we welcome our Families to attend.
Year 7, 8, 9 and 10 Awards Presentation Evening
It was wonderful to experience our 2023 Year 7, 8, 9 and 10 Awards Presentation Evening last week. Once again, I would like to congratulate all students and acknowledge their family support. I appreciate the time taken for all to attend. May they continue to reach their goals.
Week 4 - Lent
We are now in the fourth week of the Lenten period. Sometimes we think of Lent as a time to make sacrifices and certainly we are encouraged to give to the poor during this time. As a College, we are this year supporting Caritas and are encouraging students to support this cause. Lent offers us a time to reflect more deeply on our lives and to enact positive change. As I have mentioned to the student body, there is so much power in the action of giving, not just our money, but of ourselves to those who are in need of hope and encouragement. Jesus calls us to be present and live in the present. To open our eyes to what is around us. To be blessed and enjoy each moment of our day. We need to extend care to the wider community and realise that we all can contribute to others. May the lent season be a time of reflection, prayer, self-denial and helping others, in line with St Patrick's motto ‘To Seek and Serve Christ’.
International Women’s Day Zonta
On Sunday 10 March, Evelyn, Lilly, Bellanca and Kimberley accompanied myself to the ZONTA International Women’s Day Luncheon at the MECC. Congratulations to Evelyn who was announced the winner of the ZONTA Young Women in Public Affairs Award. The students did an outstanding job representing St. Patrick’s College and I was very honoured to accompany them.
Community Satisfaction Survey 2024
This year, our College will be undertaking a community satisfactory survey. As part of the five year Non-State School Accreditation Board accreditation cycle and our College improvement process which assists with forward planning. Around 29 April (Term 2 Week 3) surveys will go online and remain open for three weeks for families and staff to complete. More information will be distributed as we get closer to end of April.