Principal's Report Term 2 Week 4
Last Sunday, we celebrated Mother’s Day. I asked students to reflect on the love of mothers and the role of mothers. Many staff members help fulfil this role. Mother’s continually display commitment and I urge students to follow their commitment to reach their own goals. So, thank you to all the mums in our Mercy community.
This Sunday 16 May, we are holding our annual Bikeathon. The history of the Mercy Bikeathon started at Mercy in 1988. It is a major fund-raising event of the Mercy College P & F Association and is a great way for our students to be active and to help raise funds for the College community. I look forward to cheering everyone on as they make their way around the circuit. A special thank you to our P & F committee, parents/guardians who are volunteering, staff, students and sponsors. It will be an early start on Sunday for everyone, but I know it will be another fun filled event for us all.
College Auslan Club Performance
Congratulations to all students and staff who travelled to Townsville to perform live at the Cowboys and Broncos game last week. Special mention to Sienna Renton who sang the National Anthem. You all did an amazing job and represented the College exceptionally. I would like to acknowledge and thank Mr Brett Comerford, Mrs Kylie Denning, Ms Annaliese Mauchline, Mrs Liz Falzon and Mr Damon Grimwood who supported the students. We are so very lucky to have parents/guardians and staff in our Mercy community who support our students in exposing them to wonderful opportunities like this.
House Mass/Day
Last week House Events & Celebrations were held. Another great success for Mercy College as students attended the House Day Mass followed by celebrations at various venues. Thank you to Mrs Jeanette Refalo, House Coordinators and staff who organised and assisted.
Mercy College Community
This year, we again welcome many new faces to the Mercy College community:
Teaching Staff: Amy Andrews, Rachael Arlott, Alex Burrie, Petrina Coomer, Abbi Johnson, Bevan Little, Amanda Riddick and Andrew Sunderland
Support Staff: Sharon Stewart-Harris, Kelly Cooke and Dee Trannore, Sharon Anderson
Welcome everyone to Mercy. Congratulations to Mrs Jeanette Refalo on her new position as Assistant Principal - Mission at Catherine McCauley College. Jeanette will continue to work at Mercy College until Term 4. Congratulations to Mrs Liz Fatnowna who has been appointed to Teacher/Librarian at St Patrick's College while still teaching some classes at Mercy College.
Mercy College APP
The Mercy College App is available for downloading from the App store. The App has been designed to provide information for students, parents/guardians and the community. I encourage all parents/guardians to download the App, as a great way to stay connected with the College and to receive timely information.
The app will allow users to:
• Keep up to date with current news and upcoming events through the Calendar, Notices and Extra Curricular icons
• Read or download the College newsletter
• View the College Map, Tuckshop Menu and Tutoring Times
• Easy links to Parent Lounge, College Website and Catholic Education Diocese of Rockhampton Website
St Patrick’s College Mackay Enrolment Processes for Year 11 2022
St Patrick’s College would like to invite all Mercy College Year 10 students to apply for enrolment at St Patrick’s College in 2022. Mercy College students traditionally complete their senior schooling at St Patrick’s.
With the combining of the two colleges in 2023, from this year, Mercy students will still need to complete the online enrolment process, however, they will not be required to pay the $100.00 enrolment fee. When you receive the email request through the automatic process, please disregard it and do not make a payment. Staff from St Patrick’s College will be in contact with you to guide you through the online enrolment process. If at any stage you have questions, please contact the College Office on 4994 8700.
Enrolment applications for Year 11 2022 are now open and can be accessed through the Quick Links area on the Home Page of our website -
Dates in relation to the enrolment process are listed below for your information:

Gonski Institute for Education - New Report: Growing Up Digital Australia Phase 2 Results
Following is a link to an article which you may find interesting in relation to children being more distracted by digital devices. This study was completed by the Gonski Institute for Education.
Link to study -
Mrs Janelle Agius