Principal News
This is our last newsletter for the year. It has been a privilege for me to lead the College this past year and I look forward to serving and working again in 2024 together with our Leadership Team. Our Year 11 students have stepped into the role of Seniors and all leadership positions have been finalised. I would like to introduce our 2024 Student Leaders.
The elected Students Council Members are;
College Captains

Committee Chairs – Senior Campus

House Captains – Senior Campus

House Captains – Mercy Campus

Committee Chairs – Mercy Campus

Homeroom Captains – Mercy Campus

I look forward to working with all in 2024.
Important Dates:
Commencement Date 2024:
Monday 22 January 2024 - 8:30am - Year 7, Year 11 and new Year 8 to 10 Students
Tuesday 23 January 2024 - 8:30am - All students
Thursday 8 February 2024 - Opening Mass
Year 7 Orientation Day
It was a pleasure to welcome over 200 Year 6 students from our district schools to our Orientation Day held on Thursday 23 November. We welcome each and every one of you to our St Patrick’s community and look forward to seeing you back at the Mercy Campus on Monday 22 January 2024!
College Office
The office closes Friday 8 December 2023 and will reopen on Monday 15 January 2024. If you have any queries during the time the office is closed, please email: and staff will get back to you.

Academic Awards for Students in Year 11 2023
Congratulations to the many awardees recognised at our Annual Awards Ceremony held to celebrate the achievements of our Year 11 students. We hope that these awards will serve as encouragement for them to continue to work hard as they complete their final year of school in 2024. Thank you to the Administration team for their organisation of the evening.
Marist Sisters’ Award for Academic Effort Recipients:
Robert Dodds, Emma-Lea Finch, Sienna Mayer, Sienna Norris, Kim Octubre, Aengus Saji, Nathan Swanepoel, Harper Theiber, Asha Voll and Kayli Vormister.
Christian Brothers’ Award for Academic Merit Recipients:
Will Albert, Nyah Anderson, Yannick Atta, Angus Blackburn, George Borg, Jacee Borg, Sophie Cameron, Anthea Campbell, Seana Christensen, Brielle Contor, Zed Cousen, Harper Ford, Lucas Galea, Jesse Gibson, William Graham, Connor Griffiths, Campbell Grisan-Hodges, Lilly Hansen, Sharkira Hayward, Bryn Henson, Shelbi Heywood, Mitchell Hicks, Sarina Hooper, Alexandra Illguth, Amelia Jasch, Zac Jesinowski, Jessica Kelleher, Charles Lott, Jessika Maley, Adam Matsen, Lane Maunder, Harrison Midgley, Kouper Minniecon, Paige Mooney, Evie Muscat, Oscar Naumann, Liam Newbery, Nate Paskins, Sarri Peltonen, Sophie Reilly, Brody Robinson, Cohen Ross, Kooper Shears, Jarrod Shepherd, Victoria Silman, Edward Spicer, Flynn Steindl, Kendra Stewart, Cooper Stingle, Lucette Stinson, Brandon Sweeney, Eeden Thompson, Charles Tickle, Emily Upton, Ella Webb, Ryan Whittington, Kai Wilschut and Lilly Yet Foy.
Christian Brothers’ Award for Academic Excellence Recipients:
Flynn Battaia, Rawley Brough, Hudson Clark, Justis Costigan, Saxon Crofts, Jack Fogarty, Clayton Grech, Daniel Harris, Jack Hinschen, Camden Hopes, Ashton Martin, Reuben Saron, Jack Townsend, Harrison Ziekenheiner and Liam Zurvas.
Marist Sisters’ Award for Academic Effort and Christian Brothers’ Award for Academic Merit Recipients:
Lane Appo, Lana Barnes, Hannah Bettini, Lila Blackburn, Ava Bowtell, Mia Bradford, Jada Cahill, Frances Carroll, Lauren Carroll, Zoe Castelletto, Tasanee Chuadee, David Dogao, Luke Dowden, Charlotte Fagan, Harrison Gauci-Esmond, Jessica Harris, Bellanca (Bellanca Luciya) Hawkins, Mikayla Heaney, Mia Hehir, Kayce Hoani-Vincent, Ella Hoare, Mia Jackson, Ella Kerr, Ruby Lucas, Nikita Mapp, Corey Martin, Aidyn McSherry, Summer Mitchell, Kaden Muscat, Olivia Neale, Ebony Norris, Makayla Phillips, Keely Pitt, Etienne Pretorius, Jake Rickards, Isabella Town and Mackenzie Wotherspoon.
Marist Sisters’ Award for Academic Effort and Christian Brothers’ Award for Academic Excellence Recipients:
Havana Abbott, Maggie Bath. Charli Borg, Mackensie Brown, Arabella Calkin, Ruby Crouch, Flynn Cureton, Mischa Dinsdale, Amy Goode, Tahlia Grima, Taylah Hayles, Beatrize Ilagan, Gabrielle Ipson, Hannah Jensen, Ashlie Macatangay, Bethany McPherson, Isaak Mezzen, Jamison Mifsud, Erin Murphy, Kimberly Ortega, William Radke, Charli Roelandts, Kristen Rowlands, Anthony Sorbello, Katelyn Sturdy, Lily Taylor, Cameron Tomerini, Thao Tran, Lilly Uhr, Alyssa Van Lint, Jhett Vivian, Billy Vogler, Mikayla Webb and Kacee Ziegeler.
Subject Award
Eli Corker Certificate II in Engineering Pathways
Subject Award in conjunction with a Merit or Effort award Recipients:
Billie Little Music
Grace Buhlmann Dance in Practice
Riley Giddy Science in Practice
Hayley Sleeman Aquatic Practices
Nelson Fenlon Certificate I in Construction
Matthew Gakowski Physical Education
Cadence Leonard Certificate II in Hospitality (Food and Beverage)
Chelsea Meigan Certificate III in Christian Ministry and Theology
Breanna Paskins Business
Thomas Walz Sport and Recreation
Lily Wardrop Drama
Isabella Watkins Certificate III in Laboratory Skills/Certificate II in Sampling and Measurement
Mia Young Certificate III in Health Services Assistance
Camryn Zeller Early Childhood Studies
Subject Awards in conjunction with Effort and Excellence Awards Recipients:
Jaymie Clancy Certificate III in Fitness / Certificate II in Sport and Recreation
Rhylea Kynaston Film, Television & New Media
Giam Lim English
Abbey Morris Literature
Evelyn O’Brien Study of Religion
Sarah Worsley Ancient History
Demi Anderson Certificate III in Business/ Certificate II in Tourism / Certificate III in Fitness
Chelsea Bostock Essential English / Essential Mathematics
Thomas Collins General Mathematics / Furnishing Skills
Xavier Grogan Japanese / Mathematical Methods
Molly McKendry Modern History / Biology
Jack Muller Certificate II in Engineering Pathways / Industrial Graphics Skills
Alleixa Pascual Accounting / Legal Studies
Ishka Shepherd Religion & Ethics / Visual Art
Olivia Smyth Design / Food and Nutrition
Melisa Li Chemistry / Literature / Physics / Religion and Ethics / Specialist Mathematics
2023 Thanksgiving Mass
On Friday 24 November, we came together to celebrate our 2023 Thanksgiving Mass on our Mercy Campus. Special thanks to Father Matthias Ogwo, invited guests, parents/guardians, staff and the talented musicians for making this such a memorable occasion.
Even though our Year 10’s have graduated from the Mercy Campus, their journey of education has not finished yet. Most are moving onto our Senior Campus, whilst some are taking opportunities to join the workforce. May their path of further education flourish and may they reach the highest goal possible – to be the best person they can be – to serve others and become active members of the community. To acquire not only knowledge but the acquisition of values and the discovery of truth. May they all continue to cherish and learn from each moment of their live experienced and journey.
Sporting Achievements
Congratulations to the following students and teams on their amazing successes in their respective sporting genres.
Kristen Rowlands Year 11 won Gold in both XCC short course and XCO cross country Junior Women to become the duo Queensland Champion. Won U20 Women’s Cross Duathlon (trail run / MTB) at the 2023 National Multi-cross Sport Championships to be crowned Australian Champ and now qualifies to represent Australia at Worlds in August 2024.

Jonny North and Dustin Morrow with their U13 team took out the minor premiership (finishing on the top of the ladder at the end of the season) and were the grand final winners in the 2023 Under 13’s soccer junior competition. A massive congratulations to all the players - what a team effort!
Kacey Hoani-Vincent won Gold for 16 years women's Pole Vault with a personal best for the 2023 season to date. She will be competing in more Queensland events with the highlight being the Nationals in Perth in December.
God Bless them all and best wishes for 2024.