Principal News
Last Friday night, I was happy to accommodate the Mackay Parishes and host a Civic Welcome in our senior hall to the Apostolic Nuncio to Australia, His Excellency Archbishop Charles Balvo, and our Bishop, Most Reverend Michael McCarthy DD (Bishop of Rockhampton) on their visit to the Mackay Region. I also expressed all our best wishes and congratulations to Bishop Michael for his tenth year anniversary as our Bishop. It was an excellent time to deepen our relationships with all our parish communities.
Year 7 Enrolments 2025
We will be welcoming many new families to our College in 2025. Year 7 (2025) enrolment interviews have commenced. Round One enrolment offers will be sent to families on Wednesday, 10 July 2024. We remind all parents/guardians with students wishing to attend Year 7 in 2025 to complete their online enrolment application as soon as possible to be eligible for the Round One offers. Thank you to the many staff who have been involved in this collaborative process.
Introduction to Senior Schooling Evening
It was good to see so many families taking advantage of the Introduction to Senior Schooling Evening held at our Mercy Campus last Tuesday night. This Thursday evening we will be holding a Subject Selection Information Evening on the Senior Campus. This night will enable students and parents to speak to staff. Formal enrolment and subject advisory interviews with a member of the College Leadership Team or Middle Leaders will commence this Friday onwards. Please contact the College office if you have not booked an interview for your 2025 Year 11 student.
College Teams Success
Congratulation to the many academic, debating, sport and cultural teams who have represented the College recently. I am extremely proud of your support and effort.
Thank you to everyone who attended and supported the recent St Patrick’s College Bikeathon. We were blessed with fabulous weather, and it was wonderful to see so many students and staff supporting this event. Congratulations to everyone involved in making the day such a success.

Last week, our entire cohort of junior students attended various retreats and reflection sessions throughout the Mackay area. This was an opportunity for development of a personal identity and leadership qualities for students. It was also a wonderful opportunity for students and staff to get to know each other outside the classroom environment. I personally enjoyed being able to witness first hand the enjoyment, challenges, team building exercises, reflection and prayer experienced by our students.
Show Holiday and Student Free Day
A reminder that following our Show Holiday on Thursday 20 June, there will be a Student Fee Day on Friday 21 June for all Year 7 – 12 students. This is officially the last day of Term 2. I look forward to seeing all students returning refreshed on Monday 8 July.
Parent Engagement Evening
We invite all families to join us for our next Parent Engagement Evening on Tuesday 23 July. Details will be sent to families before the evening.
Senior Formal will be held Saturday 27 July.
St Patrick’s Family
Congratulations to our 2023 graduate, Jaxon Purdue on making his NRL debut with the North Queensland Toyota Cowboys last Saturday. Jaxon was part of our 2021 Cowboys Challenge winning team and last year’s winning Aaron Payne Cup team. I wish Jaxon all the very best for his NRL career.
Survey Results and Strategic Priorities.
Thank you all for completing the recent Community Satisfaction Surveys. This will assist us with future planning. Our Strategic Priorities are highlighted in our School Improvement Plan. Below is a summary for your information.
Reconciliation Week - 27 May - 3 June
National Reconciliation Week (NRW) is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. This week some of our Year 11 Indigenous students have travelled to Yeppoon to attend a Leadership Course.
School Funding
The government will be changing their funding model to all schools. Please find below a link to the second of a series of Advice pieces, developed to inform our Catholic Education families of the new Federal Government Funding model (Gonski model) and the impact on funding for Catholic Schools. Over the coming months, further Advice pieces will be shared, with each piece building on the detail of the previous. Please take the time to read each of the Advice pieces, to understand the impact of the changes on the funding for our College and College fees.
Link: What does the Federal Government Funding Model mean for CEDR schools and families?