Principal News

I hope all the mothers and mother figures of our College community enjoyed a special day on Sunday.
School Funding
The government will be changing their funding model to all school. Please find below a link to the first of a series of Advice pieces, developed to inform our Catholic Education families of the new Federal Government Funding model (Gonski model) and the impact on funding for Catholic Schools. Over the coming months, further Advice pieces will be shared, with each piece building on the detail of the previous. Please take the time to read each of the Advice pieces, to understand the impact of the changes on the funding for our College and College fees.
Link: How are Catholic Education – Diocese of Rockhampton Schools funded?
Parent Engagement Session
It was very encouraging to have so many parents attend our recent Parent Engagement Session on Education Apps for Academic Success. I felt all who attended learnt something from this session and all felt very welcome. Our next Parent Engagement Session will be held on Tuesday 23 July and the topic will cover improving Mental Health.
Senior Campus – Parent Teacher Interviews
Thank you to the parents, students and staff who attended our Parent Teacher Interviews at the Senior Campus last Thursday. These gatherings are invaluable in fostering a positive and valuable partnership and open communication. We look forward to continuing this collaboration and support for our students as they continue on their academic journey.
Year 7 2025 – Enrolment Interviews
Last Thursday, we conducted our Year 7 2025 Enrolment Interviews at the Mercy Campus. The staff enjoyed meeting with our prospective students and their families. Interviews will still continue over the coming weeks, so I encourage anyone wishing to enrol in Year 7 2025 to submit their online enrolment application now. Our first round of offers for Year 7 2025 will be made on Wednesday 10 July 2024. Thank you to the many staff who have been involved in this collaborative process.
Introduction to Senior Schooling Information Evening
I ask that all our Year 10 families save the date for our Introduction to Senior Schooling Information Evening:
Tuesday 28 May 6:30pm – Mercy Campus Hall