Principal News
Welcome back to Term 4, the final term of the year and I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday break. As you know, I recently had sabbatical leave to travel to Scotland, Ireland and Rome for professional growth with other staff members from Catholic Education. During our travels, we visited a number of schools to look at how they operate and the different programs that they run. It was an amazing journey and I found it extremely interesting visiting these schools. Highlights of my journey were visiting Catherine McAuley’s House in Dublin, the Edmund Rice Centre in Waterford and the Vatican Rome.
The past year has seen the two colleges come together as one. I am looking forward to celebrating our successes at the many wonderful events and celebrations that are planned in this term.
I hope all students have returned refreshed and ready for a final burst of effort for the year. Our staff have been working meticulously throughout the last few weeks marking and preparing the submissions for our senior students. Year 12 students have a relatively short term, with their final external examinations through the ATAR system commencing in two weeks on Monday 23 October. The Year 11 and 10 students will also commence their examination timetable in November. I look forward to seeing parents at the Student Lead Conferences on the Mercy Campus tomorrow afternoon.
It is really important that our students understand the need to finish well. This is in every regard. The Year 12’s in particular need to maximise their results.
If Year 12 students have not registered for QTAC and are considering tertiary study next year, they should do so as soon as possible. I would also encourage any student who has not seen Ms McKay about careers and tertiary courses already, to please see her as soon as possible this term.
Important Dates this Term
I would also like to share the dates of important activities occurring this term:
12 October – Student Lead Conferences (Mercy Campus)
17 October – Year 12 Valedictory Evening at the Mackay Entertainment and Convention Centre
20 October – Year 12 Celebration Activities on the College grounds
23 October – Year 12 External Examinations commence
28 October – St Mary’s Church Youth Mass
5 November – St Patrick’s Church Youth Mass
13 November – Year 10 Examinations commence
14 November – Year 11 Awards Night in commencing at 6:00pm in St Patrick’s Hall, River Street
16 November – Final Year 12 Assembly and Mass practice commencing at 8:30am in St Patrick’s Hall, River Street
16 November – Year 11 Examinations commence
17 November – Graduation Mass commencing 9:00am in St Patrick’s Hall, River Street
22 November – Year 10 Semi-Formal
24 November – Year 10 Thanksgiving Mass commencing 9:00am in the Mercy Campus Pavilion
25 November – St Mary’s Church Youth Mass
New Staff Welcome
At the beginning of Term 4, we welcomed Melinda O’Connor and Linda Krajewski as new staff to the St Patrick’s community. Melinda teaches Mathematics and Science subjects, and Linda will assist in our Learning Support Department as a Teacher Assistant. Welcome to St Pat’s!
Valedictory Information
Valedictory evening is approaching on Tuesday 17 October and is being held in the Auditorium at the Mackay Entertainment and Conventions Centre (MECC). I would like to invite all parents/guardians of Year 12 students to help us celebrate the achievements of our Graduating Class of 2023, either by joining us at the MECC or by watching the proceedings through our livestream. For those joining us through our livestream, please use the following link - St Patrick's College Valedictory 2023. This link will also be available on the College App.
Year 12 Celebration Morning
On Friday 20 October, to celebrate the Year 12 student’s final day, we will be holding a day of activities for the students. I would like to personally invite parents/guardians of Year 12 students to join us for this inaugural event.
St Francis of Assisi Visit

Thank you to our Year 9 Religion students and Mrs Louise Mullaney for inviting residents from St Francis of Assisi nursing home to visit the College. The residents had a wonderful time with the students and it was great to see the students interacting with our senior community members. Well done to everyone involved.
Term 4 Fundraiser Initiative – Vinnies Christmas Hamper Appeal
I ask the St Patrick’s College community to again support our Vinnies Christmas Hamper Appeal. All donations received go towards helping those in the community who are struggling and in need our assistance. We are leading up to the Christmas season, a time for giving and a time for reflection and appreciation of others.
Thank you to our college community and the Vinnies Youth Committee for your Term 3 fundraising initiative. Recently a cheque contribution of $3,500 was presented to Sr Denise Hinton. These funds will help vulnerable communities in Australia and Southeast Asia.
Champion Schools Basketball Competition
At the end of Term 3, St Patrick’s College entered a boys and girls team in the Champion Schools Basketball Competition in Brisbane. Both teams played in the second division and performed very well, with both teams winning their divisions. What a fantastic performance from our teams. Thank you to coaches Jamiey Doevendans and Rachel McKenzie and Sarah Gibbs, Lorraine DiFilippo and Lauren Jones who assisted these teams.
I’d like to wish our junior basketball players all the best as they are currently competing in the Champion Schools Basketball Competition Junior Division in Brisbane. Good luck everyone.
Touch Football
During Week 1 of Term 4, St Patrick’s College entered three teams into the Gold Coast Titans All Schools Touch Competition. Teams entered were U15 Girls, U15 Boys and Open Boys. All students played very well in their respective teams across the five days. Special Mention to the U15 girls team who finished third in their pool, just beating the open boys who came fourth and U15 boys seventh respectively. Thank you to William Gilbert, Jake Riley, Doug Bettington, Sarah Gibbs and Dee Meigan for travelling with and supporting our students during this competition. Well done to all involved.
76th Annual Macrossan & Amiet Solicitors Mackay Eisteddfod
The Mackay Eisteddfod is in its second week. Congratulations to all soloists from the College who have performed.