Principal News
Welcome back to our returning students and families in 2025. A special welcome to the new students and staff who have joined our St Patrick’s College Community. I thank you all for your decision to entrust us with the education of your child/ren.
St Patrick’s Community
I look forward to serving the St Patrick’s Community again in 2025. It is a privilege to work with such a professional Leadership Team consisting of Scott McSherry (Deputy Principal), Tracey McLeod (Assistant Principal – Administration), Brendan Gunning (Assistant Principal – Mission/Welfare Senior), Christopher Sorbello (Assistant Principal – Welfare/Mercy) and Dean Andric (Acting Assistant Principal - Curriculum). I would officially like to welcome Dean Andric to our Senior Leadership Team this year.
I wish to welcome the following new teachers to our staff: Annie Mills, Freda Ferreira, Lindy McQuaker, Michelle Dodds, Tina Connors, Olivia Drochmann, Harry Thorpe, Patrick Hoare, Sally Redfern, Krystal Hyde and Ashlee Barons. We extend a warm welcome to our new Teacher Assistant: Jamiey Doevendans, Emily Bella, Karen Burns, Katie Wood, Chelsea Meigan, Fallon Tass, Hayley O’Neill and Mason Khalu. Finally, welcome to our new Auxiliary staff: Jamison Mifsud, Tanya Redman, Sylvia Fay, Nikki Bounden, Selena Hickmott, Jack Dwyer, Debbie Goodwin and Rebecca Lamont.
We are very happy to have you at St Patrick’s College.
I wish to acknowledge Fr Matthias Ogwo of the St Patrick’s Parish community. We look forward to continuing to work closely with St Patrick’s Parish as we develop a faith commitment within our student body.
We all share a strong commitment to continue with the proud tradition of St Patrick’s College, enhancing relationships between students, staff, parents and the wider community. Please do not hesitate to contact myself if you have any queries or suggestions. We appreciate feedback to assist in future planning and improvement.
Opening College Mass
I look forward to celebrating our 2025 Opening Mass on Thursday 13 February. Our mass will be presided over by Most Reverend Michael McCarthy, Bishop of Rockhampton, together with Fr Matthias Ogwo and Fr Anthony Nguyen.
This mass includes the presentation of our 2024 Year 12 McGarry Bursaries and the Investiture of our College Leaders. I invite all members of our St Patrick’s College community to join us.

Bishop’s Inservice Day
This year’s Bishop’s Inservice Day will be held on Friday 21 February. This is a student free day as all Catholic school staff will be attending the Bishop’s address and workshops. Our College office will be closed on this day.
Parent Engagement Committee (previously P&F)
I would like to invite all families to attend our Parent Engagement Evenings which will be held at the Senior Campus throughout the year:
- 18 February Meet the Teacher’s BBQ followed by PEC – Parent Pass: Your All Access School Experience
- 6 May
- 22 July
- 2 September
Fees and Concessions
School Fees will be issued next week. If parents have either an eligible Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card, please bring them into the Finance office to be sighted and copied to receive the concession card discount.
Fees are billed annually and there are two payment options:
- Pay in full within 4 weeks
- Enter a payment plan to pay throughout the year.
Please contact our Finance Office should you wish to establish a payment plan.
Teaching and Learning
This year, the Leadership Team has set goals such as improving the consistency of practices and expectations for staff and students across both campuses. We will focus on Responsive Teaching, including Writer’s Toolbox and AI. There will be a stronger emphasis on trauma-informed practices, including Resilience, Switch4Schools, and Berry Street models. Another strong focus this year will be the importance of attendance at the College. Pastoral Care teachers will supply parents/carers data for any period of absence that is higher than expected. With this focus on attendance, academic achievement, well-being, and inclusivity, we aim to create a supportive environment that aligns with our Mission Statement.
Our staff Inservice Days centered on the “Berry Street” educational model. Berry Street instruction provides practical, classroom-based strategies to increase engagement of all students. The concept of engaging in a whole school approach enables us to be consistent across both campuses and to build strong, positive relationships with our students, benefiting our whole college by fostering calm, orderly learning environments.
St Patrick's College is due for our Enhancing Catholic Schools Identity (ECSI). It is planned that, in Week 6 of this term, surveys will be open to staff, parents, and students. I encourage you all to complete the surveys. The results of these surveys will guide our direction in the development of our faith and Catholic identity at the College.
Attendance Matters
As mentioned before, it is extremely important that students attend school. At St Patrick’s College, we have set a benchmark for students to achieve an attendance rate of 90%. Our special days, including carnivals, camps, retreats etc are also compulsory school days and not ‘optional extras’. These days form a part of how we are as a community.
I do understand that there will be times when being absent from school is unavoidable, as in the case of serious illness etc. It is important that our House Coordinators are well informed of any special circumstances so that we will be able to support and assist families.
Attendance at school is vital for a good education. I draw your attention to the flyer below that shows how just one day away per week will calculate to 2.5 years away from school over a 13 year period. If you have any concerns regarding your child’s attendance, please contact our House Coordinators or Counsellors so we can assist.

The Masterplan buildings are still underway. It is expected that the toilet project on the Senior Campus will be completed, with handover planned for 14th February. The Mercy Campus Hall project should be finished by the end of Term 3, after which the D Block project will commence. Exciting times are ahead!
Just One Thing
Parental involvement in your child's education provides positive benefits and improved outcomes for the students. By attending Parent Engagement meetings, volunteering for social/fundraising ventures or assisting/coaching extra-curricular activities, you build a connection with the College and the wider community.
I invite all families to complete a short questionnaire to nominate ‘Just One Thing’ you would like to assist with throughout the year to support the College. To register your interest, please click on this link Just One Thing and complete the Google form by Friday 21 February 2025.