Principal News
May I take this opportunity to wish everyone a safe and Happy Easter. Easter symbolises springtime and renewal. “It's Easter” means a time for joy, family and fun, hope you get a basketful of all three this year! We hope this Easter is the start of a joyous and prosperous spring for you!

What is Easter?
Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus following his crucifixion. Easter represents rebirth and renewal, as we remember the death and resurrection of our Christ. It is a time of reflection, redemption and hope.
I invite you all to take time in your very hectic lives to take the opportunity to attend one the many Masses that are being offered throughout our local parish churches during Holy Week, the Easter Vigil on Saturday night or the Easter Sunday Mass of the Resurrection of the Lord. It is a time of renewal and awakening for all. I would also like to wish our community a safe and happy holiday.
I remind parents and students, that the first day of Term 2 is Monday 15 April.
Diocesan Principals’ Conference
Last week, I attended the Diocesan Leadership Conference. The conference was excellent, with guest speakers and workshops about: Trauma Responsive Communication, Formative Assessment and Catholic Identity Recontextualisation.
The conference was an excellent opportunity to talk with Principals from across the diocese along with the Diocesan Leadership team. I also attended the Chrism Mass at St. Joseph’s Cathedral. The Chrism Mass celebrates Easter and includes the blessing of oils and renewal of all religious vows.
Mercy Campus Cross Country
‘The five S’s of sports training are Stamina, Speed, Strength, Skill, and Spirit; but the greatest of these is Spirit.” -Ken Doherty.
Today Mercy Campus students participated in their Cross Country. I would like to thank Mrs Margie Ackermann, Teresa Dreghorn, Michelle Bettini and the Sports Department for organising this event. It was great to see all students in their house colours, being active and enjoying the event. Senior Campus Cross Country will be held Monday Week 2.
Congratulations to two of our Year 11 students, Libby Arnold and Charlotte Mau, who recently applied to the 2024 Mackay Matsuura Youth Ambassador Scholarship Program. As successful applicants, the students will go on exchange to Japan during the September School Holidays.
Rats of Tobruk
Congratulations to all students who attended the Rats of Tobruk Ceremony held at Queens Park this week. St Pat’s is a ‘Rats’ school and I felt proud and honoured to accompany our students to this ceremony. Well done to our College Leaders, College Choir and Bugle trumpet student Tayt Rowe who all represented our College to an excellent standard.

Fees and Levies
All parents are reminded that it is an expectation of the College that all fees and levies are paid in a timely fashion. If families are having difficulties in meeting payments, they are encouraged to speak to myself or Mr David McKie (the College Bursar), so that alternative arrangements can be made.
Tuition fees and levies are a priority over co-curricular excursions and trips. To be eligible to attend sporting or cultural tours, families are expected to be meeting tuition and levy requirements as a first priority.
Student Protection Contacts
St Patrick’s College has seven Student Protection contacts who are available at any time to speak with students. These contacts are: