Principal News
This week we celebrate the start of Lent with our Ash Wednesday Liturgy. Ash Wednesday is one of the most important holy days in the liturgical calendar. Ash Wednesday is the opening of Lent, the season of fasting and prayer. It is an ancient tradition and includes the wearing of ashes on the head. A powerful sign that has been used for hundreds of years. Ashes symbolise the dust from which God made us. “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return”.
Sometimes we think of Lent as a time to make sacrifices and certainly we are encouraged to give to others during this time. As a college, we are again this year supporting Caritas and I urge students and families to give. Lent offers us a time to reflect more deeply on our lives and to enact positive change. There is so much power in the action of giving, not just our money, but of ourselves to those who are in need of hope and encouragement. Jesus calls us to be present and live in the present. To open our eyes to what is around us, to be blessed and enjoy each moment of our day. May the lent season be a time of reflection, prayer, self-denial and helping others.
Bishop’s Inservice Day
A reminder that this Friday 16 February is a Student Free Day, as all St Pat’s staff will be attending the Bishop’s Inservice Day.
Opening and Investiture Mass
Last Thursday, we celebrated the start of the school year with our Opening Mass and investiture of our College Leaders. I would like to express our thanks to Bishop Michael McCarthy, Fr Matthias Ogwo, Fr Gaspar Peruvelil and Fr Anthony Nguyen who led us in celebration to start the year. Joining us in our celebrations was Diocesan Director Miss Leesa Jeffcoat, Assistant Director: Schools (Northern Region) Mr Michael McCusker, Mayor Greg Williamson and invited guests from the community.
I would like to congratulate our singers and musicians who led us in worship so beautifully. Special thanks also to Mr Brendan Gunning and Mrs Kelsey Wallace who prepared the celebration, along with Mrs Julie Rasmussen and Mr Andrew Lamont from our Facilities Department for their assistance with setting the Hall.
McGarry Bursaries

Following the Mass, we presented the McGarry Bursaries. A bequest by the late Miss Joan McGarry has established perpetual bursaries to be presented each year to St Patrick’s College students. The trust is established in honour of Miss McGarry’s parents, the late Fred and Rose McGarry and her brother, the late Jim McGarry. As per the guidelines of the bequest, bursaries were awarded in the areas of Academic Achievement. As well, in recognition of Joan McGarry’s lifelong dedication to her profession of nursing, the student with the highest ATAR entering Nursing also receives a bursary. The intention of the bequest is that students receive the bursary once properly enrolled in a tertiary course after Year 12, with study to commence in the year of the bequest.
These bursaries are not about money – although the money is substantial – the bursaries are about a gift to the future, a belief in young people, a hope to make things better for young people. An extraordinary gift to our whole community.
Every year when we celebrate these bursaries, it is important that we reflect on the fact that we have a debt of gratitude and a responsibility to all those who have gone before us at St Patrick’s. There is a proud tradition of spreading and sharing the good news at this college and we become part of that tradition and we continue to create that tradition this year.
Congratulations to all our McGarry Bursary recipients. I wish you all the best in your future studies and hope that you continue to keep in touch with us here at St Pat’s.

The Class of 1974 Bursary is sponsored by members of the Class of 1974, who have collectively made an outstanding contribution to the Mackay community and beyond – in the clergy, politics, business, law, trades and other fields. Through their generosity, a bursary which provides a rebate from the student’s college fees, has been made available to a current St Patrick’s College Year 12 student. This student will have demonstrated great dedication and commitment throughout Year 11 in overcoming adversity, disability or circumstances to achieve academic success. The recipient of the Class of 1974 Bursary was Patrick Arbuthnot. Mr Damian Carroll, who was a member of this class, presented the Bursary to Patrick on behalf of the class of 1974.
Aspire to Teach Awards
The Aspire to Teach Awards are a Catholic Education Award and the purpose of the award is to promote the career of teaching for students in the Senior Phase of Learning. This award is presented to a male and female student.
These students will have demonstrated the following:
- Witnesses to his/her Christian faith
- Displays qualities of a good teacher eg. care, compassion, positivity, collaborative, helpful, supportive and mentoring peers
- Good academic and behaviour record
- Broad involvement in college and cocurricular activities
- Evidence of student leadership
The recipients of the Aspire to Teach Awards are Anthony Sorbello and Evelyn O’Brien. The students are pictured with Assistant Director: Schools (Northern Region), Mr Michael McCusker.

St Patrick’s Medal – The Bishop Bernard Wallace Award for Dux of the College

This award acknowledges the College Patron, St Patrick, the great Irish Saint and The Most Reverend Bernard Wallace, past Bishop of Rockhampton. Bishop Wallace had a great interest in education. The criteria for this award is based on a student’s ATAR score. The student receiving this award is the Dux of the College.
The winner of the Bishop Bernard Wallace Award was Nicola Chimes.
College Board Pre-service and Induction
On Wednesday 31 January, our first Board Meeting of the year was held. It was a night of induction and discernment. We say farewell and thank you to: Board Secretary Mrs Juliene Benson and Student Representatives Nicola Chimes and Jinzhao (Anna) Zhang. We would like to welcome: Board Secretary Mrs Ruth van Lint and Student Representatives Anthony Sorbello and Gabrielle Ipson. All Board Members were commissioned at the Opening Mass by Bishop Michael.
Meet the Teachers BBQ and Parent Engagement Session
This Thursday 15 February, we are holding a Meet the Teachers BBQ followed by our first Parent Engagement Session on Parent Lounge in the St Patrick's College Hall, Senior Campus River Street. The afternoon begins with a free barbecue at 4:30pm, where parents have the opportunity to meet college staff and mingle with other parents. Following the BBQ at 6:00pm, our first Parent Engagement Session will commence. In this session, parents will receive guidance on navigating the Parent Lounge portal, familiarising themselves with key features such as accessing Student Report Cards, updating contact information, and locating details on forthcoming excursions and events.
Aquatics Carnival
Next week on Tuesday 20 February, we will hold our Aquatics Carnival and I invite all students to become involved and not to sit back and wait till it’s too late. I wish to thank Mr Chad Buckby for organising this carnival and to the St Patrick’s College staff for their support. May the best house win.
Sporting Trials
The sporting year is off and running. I would like to acknowledge all the students participating in these various sporting trials. Congratulations to all students chosen to represent their sport and good luck in your competitions.
St Patrick’s Community
I would like to welcome Melinda Dwyer, Charli Kenny, Kate Magoffin and Amelia Noon to our Mercy Campus Learning Support area of the St Patrick’s staff community. Welcome to St Pat’s.
Service to Catholic Education
Congratulations and thank you for your dedicated service to Catholic Education two of our staff members. Jo Ciantar-Schatkowski (21 years) and Wendy Cunningham (23 years).