Principal Address
We are now drawing to the end of the first Semester, with students and staff looking forward to the upcoming holiday breaks.
Wednesday 8 June was School Officer Day in Queensland. I would like to take this opportunity to thank and acknowledge the vital role support staff play in our College, supporting the teaching staff and students. Without their help, many of the activities planned at the College would not be possible.
P&F and Board Meetings
Both our P&F and Board meetings were held last Wednesday 1st June. I encourage new and existing families to come along to our P&F meetings as your input is both welcomed and valued. Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday 3 August at 6:00pm in the Mercy College Library.
Our Board continues to work on our new Vision and Mission Statements for our combined St Patrick’s College. I would like to thank the members of the Board and P&F who volunteer their time to enrich and improve our College community.

This week, our entire cohort of students have been attending various retreats and reflection sessions throughout the Mackay area. This was an opportunity for development of a personal identity and leadership qualities for students. It was also a wonderful opportunity for students and staff to get to know each other outside the classroom environment. I personally enjoyed being able to witness firsthand the fun, challenges and team building exercises with students.
Sporting Teams
Congratulations to the various Mercy Sporting teams who have been competing recently. Our Netball girls had great success in the Regional Vicki Wilson Championships and the Mackay and District Secondary School Netball Competition. Our Soccer team members who competed in the Bill Turner Cup, displayed great skills, dedication and sportsmanship and our League team were victorious in the first round of the Cowboys Challenge.
Mercy is excited to see the reintroduction of the Mountain Bike Club which will be participating in the Rocky Trail Academy Junior Development Programme on 24 June.
It is wonderful to see the participation of so many Mercy students in these sporting events.
Human Powered Vehicles
This weekend our amazing HPV teams will participate in the Inaugural Whitsunday STEM Challenge at Palmyra Dragway. We will have teams from both Mercy and St Patrick’s College competing.
A huge thank you to Mr William Gilbert for his guidance in this extracurricular activity. I would also like to acknowledge our teaching and ancillary staff members who are also volunteering their time to help the teams on Saturday.
Community Activities
I would like acknowledge and congratulate the following events that our staff and students have recently been involved in:
· Our Combined College Stage Band performed alongside local radio station Star 101.9 at their ‘Push the Button’ competition at Mt Pleasant Shopping Centre. Well done everyone for showcasing our combined musical talents.
· Thank you to our Mercy Community for sending in your donations for the St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal and Homeless Expo. Please continue to help us support these worthy causes.
Subject Selection Evening – Wednesday 22 June
A reminder to our Year 10 students that on Wednesday 22 June, St Patrick’s College will hold the Subject Selection evening. The evening will be run in sessions with bookings made through trybooking - All subjects being offered in 2023 will be on display and staff will be available to answer any questions. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the subjects students are wishing to study and the pathways available for future studies or employment opportunities.

Enrolment Processes for 2023
The dates are below for your information if you have a student in Year 10 or you know of others who may be interested in enrolling in the College next year. A reminder that Mercy College students are automatically enrolled at St Patrick’s College for 2023.